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ようこそ。遊ぶと働くの未完地帯へ。 Welcome to the ever-changing district, the place to work and play.

Branding / Communication Design / Design / Copywriting / Produce

Official Site https://mikanshimokita.jp

下北沢駅前に開業した京王電鉄の複合施設「ミカン下北」のブランディング。コンセプトビルディングにはじまり、ネーミングやロゴデザイン、広告や施設のサインデザインに至るまで、総合的に担当いたしました。 単に複合施設の開業というだけでなく、下北沢の新たな顔つきをつくっていくプロジェクトととらえ、「東京都実験区下北沢」というコンセプトで街を再定義。変身ではなく、下北沢の魅力を深化させようという方向性を持ち、ミカン下北はそれを最前線で体現していく施設ブランドと位置づけました。また、入居するテナントや会社の個性・カラーこそが主役であり、ミカン下北はそれを引き立たせられる存在であろうということから、モノトーンをブランドカラーとしてクリエイティブを展開しました。
京王井の頭線のトレインジャックに加え、下北沢駅構内のあらゆる場所を広告媒体へと変容させて、開業に向けた実験的なジャック広告を展開いたしました。ミカン下北に出店するテナント関係者たちの、試行錯誤しながら新たなものを生み出そうと実験している後ろ姿=“企む背中” をキービジュアルとし、マーカーテクスチャーを基調としたデザインによって下北沢駅中をモノクロに染めました。
Branding for Keio Corporation's "Mikan Shimokita" complex shopping facility, opened in front of Shimokitazawa Station. We were in charge of the overall project from concept development to naming, logo design, advertising, and signage design. We took this as an opportunity not only as opening a new shopping complex but also as a way to create a new face for Shimokitazawa, redefining the town under the concept "Tokyo Experimental Ward Shimokitazawa". Rather than transforming the area, this project was geared towards deepening Shimokitazawa's appeal, and Mikan Shimokita is positioned as the pioneer facility/brand that will embody this. Since the individuality and colors of the tenants and companies that occupy the facility are the stars of the show, we went with a monotone color palette for Mikan Shomokita’s brand color to help accentuate that.
In Japanese the word “Mikan” means incomplete or unfinished, we chose the name “Mikan Shomokita” to reflect the universal appeal of Shimokitazawa, where diverse cultures intersect, and the area is constantly being edited and changed, in other words, it is "always incomplete”.
<Logo Design>
There is no right answer in Shimokitazawa, it is a broad-minded place that accepts various cultures and values. If you make a mistake, you can simply paint over it and try again. Based on such Shimokita-ness and the theme of “incomplete”, we created a logo that symbolizes the aggressive attitude that encompasses trial and error.
In addition to taking over the trains on the Keio Inokashira Line, we transformed areas of Shimokitazawa Station into advertising mediums, trying out our experimental advertising method “highjack advertising”. Our key visual was the back view of tenants (or as we like to call it “plotting backs”) that occupies Mikan Shimokita, who were experimenting to create something new through trial and error. In addition to that, the whole Shimokitazawa station was changed to monotone using a marker texture design.
<Sign Design>
Inspired by the atmosphere of Shimokitazawa, where various genres, cultures, and values overlap, and the keyword “experimentation”, we developed the sign design for the facility in the form of layers. While being conscious of the fit with the architectural space, we created a highly unique overall experience by stacking boards of different colors and textures.

  • Branding
  • Creative Director + Art Director : Shotaro Adachi (Konel)
  • Designer : Andraditya Respati (Konel)
  • Project Designer : Mitsuyo Demura (Konel)
  • Producer + Planner : Genta Sawabe (Konel)
  • Copy Writer : Keisuke Kamiya
  • Advertising
  • Creative Director + Art Director : Shotaro Adachi (Konel)
  • Art Director : Keiichi Kanemoto (SABUROKU)
  • Designer : Yuji Ikeda (SABUROKU)
  • Copy Writer : Keisuke Kamiya
  • Photographer : Akihiko Osugi
  • Producer : Genta Sawabe (Konel)
  • Project Manager : Saya Terai
  • Media Director : Koichi Seto (Keio Agency), Masakazu Sato (Keio Agency)
  • Sign Design
  • Creative Director + Art Director : Shotaro Adachi (Konel)
  • Designer : Andraditya Respati (Konel), Atsushi Kurosaki, Kazuki Okano
  • Producer : Genta Sawabe (Konel)
  • Structural Designer : Kazuo Ito (Keio Agency), Daisuke Ito (Keio Agency)
  • Builder : Koji Kikuchi (System One)