Welcome to the Paradise of Creation

Designers craft, engineers plan, producers utilize AI. In this team, skills constantly transcend boundaries. Each creator hones their expertise while expanding into new domains, leading to unpredictable and innovative outcomes. Would you like to join us in building this paradise of creation?

Open Positions
We're looking for like-minded collaborators.
As boundary-crossing is our philosophy, we do not limit our recruitment to specific job roles. We welcome applications from creators of all backgrounds. Those with the following skills will be given priority consideration. Please submit your portfolio along with your application.
Creative Director
Art Director
Technical Director
Creative Enginieer
Project Manager
Multilingual applicants will be given priorities.
It is possible to work on Chizai Zukan projects concurrently.
Work Style
Work Location
Tokyo, Kanazawa, Kyoto
Remote work from overseas or other regions is also negotiable.
Office Days
To facilitate smooth communication, Tuesdays and Thursdays are designated as in-office days. Remote work is generally permitted.
Employment Type
Full-time employee (discretionary work system or flextime)
Internship (part-time)
Employee Benefits
Reskilling courses
Access to equipment and studios for personal projects
Project proposal system
Learning allowance
Birthday dinner
Lunch allowance
Social gathering allowance
Company trips
Paid leave system
Communication expense allowance
Transportation coverage